Friday, May 05, 2006

Gandalf n' Friends

"The mountains? Pffft, such PUSSIES! I hate those assholes, always going on about how they're SOOOO good at soccer. Everyone knows soccer is for stupid Euro pieces of crap. If I saw those mountains I'd bury my foot so far up their sedimentary asses, they'll think I'm the second coming of the glacier that put em' there! Oh man, I'd kick their stup...they're right behind me...aren't they. Shit." Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

fuck your fuckin' friends... leavin' you to defend yourself in the canadian wilderness, not commenting anymore. why, if i knew slag, or the amber alert, or your dad... ooh, it just makes me so angry.

comment you assholes--he just wants an audience, is that too much to ask???

Randy Leonard said...

You first.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'anonymous', if that is your real name. Besides, who ever said we were Ryan's friends?

Anonymous said...

if a blog falls down in the forest, and there's no one there to comment, what's the sound of one hand clapping?

Anonymous said...

karl, mah boy, you just answered the million dollar question with a million dollar answer. why, if i had a million dollars...

ryan, the minions have spoken. we're paying attention to your blog even if you aren't. so waddaya gonna do about it???

Anonymous said...

I knew you had it in you, anon...

Randy Leonard said...

30 years ago in just about one half hour...Hard to Believe....

Happy Birthday!