Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Betta Gitchoself a Jobby Job!

Would YOU hire this man? No? Well, that's because you're (probably) a stupid American. I have been FLOODED with phone calls from employers up here. Surprisingly not many are from truckers looking for 'company'. Nope. I had a second interview at UPS...that I ditched. What can Brown do for me? Pffft, NOTHIN'! I took a job with my first interview. At a landscaping company. Yep. That's me practicing my landscaping skills up there.
Watch out record store! Watch out Pokemon store! I now have disposable income! Starting tomorrow. PiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaCHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Rycrisp said...

I know, homey. But all I could think of is how good I'd look in those shorts. I'd NEVER get any work done. Plus, they're always hiring up here. I'm digging this new oppurtunity. I can wear a tie sometimes. And that's it.