Thursday, April 13, 2006

Life Is Fast. So Are Cats.

Breaking News: This weekend Angela and I are headed to Banff. I've got a mark up there that needs to be knocked off. Plus it's our one year anniversary...WOAH! A freakin' year on Easter. I knew Jesus loved me. He's totally gonna give us a hollow bunny for our anniversary. The in-laws have been kind enough to provide us with cards and meal money. Hell yeah! I'm super sizing my fries!
So not only are we celebrating the fact that Angela has had an endentured servant for almost a year, we're also celebrating an end to that exciting run. You see, my WORK PERMIT arrived in the mail yesterday!!!!!!! EAT IT CANADA! You have no idea what you've just unleashed upon yourself. I'm gonna pay the SHIT outta my income taxes. I'm gonna pay em' so hard. I've also got an interview with a landscaping company tomorrow. Haha! I feel my Mexican brothers plight more and more every day. No. Kyle's not's a just a figure of speech.
What does all this have to do with me eating Owen's brains? Nothing. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about me for your anniversary present?