Saturday, February 19, 2005

My foost bwog

Wow. It has....BEGUN!!! This is the first entry to what shall be one of the most intelligent blogs on the web. Cordial conversation, educated viewpoints, opposing opinions, cute stories. Oh and poop jokes...with cuss words...and maybe some pictures of Iraq (balls).


geezer squeezer! said...

thats a fair question you know.i mean,what if you werent comfortable with the word 'cunt'?who'd want the word 'cunt' in their new blog?
i would.

Rycrisp said...

Wow, this is the most popular I've least since that time I bought that Costco size vaseline and roofies.
Oh, and listen up Josh, the website is brown miss les. You never met Miss Les? A very tan lady who inspired me to...goddammmit. Leave me alone.

Rycrisp said...

Why the hell are people censoring themeselves? I hope you don't think I did that. I'm not catholic...hell, I don't even know how to post pictures yet.