Sunday, February 26, 2006


So while we were living like Paulie Shore in Biodome, I learned my computer had some games on it.
Hearts was okay, but the animation is so fast I never knew who had what tricks. I was able to give all the players creative names, though.
Minesweeper is lame. If you like it. Well. You probably do some effed up drugs. Or you're good at math. One in the same.
Then came solitaire. I'm still learning. It was interesting.
Spider was effing RAD. I haven't moved past the single suit game though.
My proudest accomplishment? Defeating the evil force known as FreeCell. I've only heard of it. Never had any interest in it really. Until I had to find other uses for my computer other than internet and writing shitty stories. So I rocked out to some music and ruled the night.


Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say to this. Except, try using the 'Print Screen' button on your keyboard, it puts a screenshot on your clipboard (to be pasted anywhere). Alt + 'Print Screen' will just capture the active window.

Rycrisp said...

Dude. Print Screen is for losers who don't have cameras. I'm a loser WITH a camera. Plus, if you knew anything about computers you'd know how to update your page.

Rycrisp said...