Monday, March 06, 2006

Calgary Tower

My Canadian Family, my wife and myself went to the Calgary Tower about 2 weeks ago. It's an old abandoned missle silo that was built by the communist party back in the 60's. Those were some tense times for Canada and the USA. Luckily (for both of us) Canada saw the light that was Freedom. The commies were so blinded by it that the good people of Canada toppled the pinko bastards and replaced the Hammer and Sickle with a new symbol of power and freedom. The almighty Maple Leaf. Even named a hockey team after it. But I digress.
The Calgary Tower is now a rotating restaurant with an observation deck. I've never seen anything like it. I'm hoping a city in the NW will someday get something like this.
We had an awesome lunch. After which we went to the viewing deck. Pretty standard as far as abandoned missle silos go. Beautiful view of the city and the surrounding mountains. But, ahoy! What's this? A brilliant new feature? YES! It's a glass floor. That you stand on. Three words for you. Glass. Fucking. Floor.
Women and children cowered in it's presence. Lumberjacks sobbed at the mere sight of it. I jumped up and down upon it. Here, is my story. Whatever. It's just some pictures. Jesus, try to be dramatic...just look! SHUT UP! LOOK!

The Canadian Family and I.

The Tower in question.

If you look closely, you can see the puddle of urine.


River Rat said...

That's some scary shit. I hope you did that before you ate.

Anonymous said...

I have a request for a comment topic. Anything other than 'Dog Soldiers'.

P.S. You two make a cute couple.

Anonymous said...

I object.