Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fire Up the Barbie!

After the last picture, my camera's batteries were being bigger bitches than the sun. They're not even STARS! Not red dwarf. Not gas giants. Nothing. Just batteries. Bitch ass batteries. It's a shame too, because there was a dead squirrel laying next to a stick that was begging for some close ups. Instead, I was able to come up with an Engergizer/Generic Battery combination for one last picture. Can you spot the Barbie head in the grass?
I can. Right after I took the picture, some dude skull effed it. Sick man. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Squirrel's are trying to take over.

Come to my web site and join me in my crusade to rid the world of squirrels.

A good squirrel is a dead squirrel.

Anonymous said...

And the only good Barbie is a burnt Barbie.

Anonymous said...

Do not make me haf to cowme veset you.