Monday, March 27, 2006

Don't Remove the Feeding Tube!

The doctors have done it. SUCCESS! I've been successfully brought back to a vegetative state! After lots of actual activity, I can now return to typing on the blog. Just in time too. I was treading dangerously close to Slag territory.
So what the hell have I been doing?
1.Okay. I've actually still been in a vegetative state. That whole thing about the doctors? A lie. No doctors. I just wish I'd have realized they weren't doctors before I drank that 'medicine' and let them 'take my temperature'. Oh well.
As my brother, Chris and many children can now attest, I've been playing Halo2 on Xbox Live.
Just like wearing underwear, I'm late on this bandwagon trend. Okay. I'm still late on the underwear one too.
There's no better way to stay close to far away friends and family, than to kill them and then mock them after you've defaced their dead pixelated bodies. I'm still waiting for for the friends part to get their asses online though. They've been FAR too busy visiting Centralia instead of getting their shit together so we can kill each other. Shockingly, my brother acted almost immediately to the proposistion. The same dude who still has Chris' and Josh's Xmas presents. While we wait patiently for Josh to get an Xbox and for Chris to get internet at home, Kyle and I will continue to bask in the glow of gunfire.
2. I've also been rockin' out.
Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I've come into the posession of no less than 8 cds. Over half of them coming from my Pop. That's right. Our Amazon order finally came through! THANKS POP!
Due to my financial situation, my cd purchasing has been experiencing a bit of a drought. But now? Look out Noah, it's a mutha fuckin' FLOOD!
Just as parents do with children, I have my favorites.
Bigwig- The new Bigwig album? Holy shit. So good. So angry. I hope Slag is enjoying it as much as I am, since he turned me on. To Bigwig. Turned me on to Bigwig.

NOFX- The new EP is classic NOFX. I can't WAIT for the new full length coming out in April. It's not gay. I mean, being RELEASED in April. Not that there'd be anything WRONG with that.

Pistolita- I love this album. If these kids keep at it, they'll probably have some success. They're already signed to EastWest records (an 'incubator' imprint of Warner Musicl). It reminds me of early Smashing Pumpkins at times, Murder By Death at other times. Just something anybody can kinda step into without being familiar with the band. Lots of piano and cellos...or violins. Some shit like dat!

The Delegates- I'm rockin' out to this RIGHT NOW. They've given Bigwig a run for their money as far as ppd (plays per day, dumbass!) for me. It's reallllllllly good. I've read some other reviews of the album and they're spot on with the comparisons of early Less Than Jake with some Clash thrown in for good measure. Awesome album. It's ska without being ska...very few upstrokes. Just straight up rock yo' ass gee-tar n' horns. They also cover the Roots song 'You Got Me'. Which is actually now one of my favorite songs on the album. I won't even mention the fact that they're from Canada. I didn't know till after I got the album. I was tricked. But you know what? It's still rocking my ass right now!

p.s. Will you check any of these guys out? Probably not. Why? Because new things frighten you. But if you overcome your fears (you really should, people are beginning to stare) you can click on the links up there. Seriously. Open your effing mind.

3. I've also been mourning the loss of Arrested Development. I look forward to purchasing the 3rd season DVD set in April. But that doesn't make up for the fact that it's gone. But last night there was a light that shone through the dark void left by the Bluths.
I don't know how the marketing is for this show in "The States" (eat it Ted!). But up here, I haven't seen SHIT about it. I just happened to catch it by accident last night. See what I'm doing? I'm FOX! I'm talking about the show, without actually telling you what it's called or when to see it!
Okay, okay. It's called Free Ride. Even though I missed the first five minutes, I still watched it. Freakin' hilarious. As far as I can tell it's about a kid who moves from L.A. back home to some hick town. He lives with his parents. His dad doesn't wear pants (Pop?) and his best friend is a metal dude who plays bass in a Christian band "They're the only band in town!" Holy cow. The band is my favorite. Singing about Intelligent Design..."are you gonna come pray with us?"

4. Riding my bike. I love that shit. I'll post some pictures from my bike rides this week. Aren't you excited?! I am. The best part about riding bikes is getting that line of mud up your back, then shitting your pants and saying that it's mud. Who's gonna question you? You're on BIKE!

5. Wondering why my e-mails/phone calls don't get returned. I think because I say who I am. Damn you knowing me!


Anonymous said...

Let's get a breakdown:
1. Playing video games

2. Listening to music/playing the air guitar

3. Watching television

4. Riding bikes

5. Stalking

I could take this in so many different directions. But I'm gonna go with this one:
"I know who this is. This isn't Ryan, is it? He's back... it's... CHAZ!"

Anonymous said...

Can you chew MF gum and walk (or in your case, ride your bike "side saddle")at the same MF time?

Last I heard, "listening" to music does not interfere with ones ability to "type" a MF post.

Me Want More Posts! Me No Want Exucuses! Me Monkey Mad!

Rycrisp said...

Chris? You vote for a seal?! That's actually the real reason why there's no new posts. I've been on the annual Canadian seal hunt! It's so cute the way they beg right know.
And as far as MF music and MF posting goes, Slag has it. I can't play air guitar and post at the same MF time.

Rycrisp said...

Nope. It'll be a new experience! You can pretend like it's a gift in a brand new package. All you have to do is crack the seal.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I hear that Canadians all go drinking together on the ice. As usual they get totally smashed, and eventually they all break the seal. I read about it once. I think it was Jack London.

Anonymous said...

me gettin mad again. You not like when me get mad. me want posts goddamn it.

btw, i know who you are and i know where you live. gimme posts and you live in peace. dont and...well, we will just have to see.

no make me mad. you not like when me mad.

Rycrisp said...

Travis? It's feeding time, buddy. Close your eyes.

Anonymous said...

You Talking to me? You Talking to me?

You must be talking to me. I'm the only one here, so you must be talking to me.

Ok. Ok....We'll see....