Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Hey. Where's my roof? Bitch, don't mess with me. Put a new roof on here. Now. I'm not a Katrina victim. Simon? Maybe. But look at me. No way. You see the color of my fur? Don't make me call my lawyer.
So at Owen's uhhh...encouragements, I put a new roof on the place. Reminds me of the Brady Bunch house. All 70's style. Speaking of which, didn't Slag say something about them being incestuous? Is that possible? Unless Greg was poking his bros, or Marcia was with her sisters...they could cross breed all they wanted. Think about, Slag. Dumbass.
Do you see why this roof had to come off? As much as Simon love it, his fat ass couldn't fit. No matter how much he pretended. He was pretty attached to it...
YES! New carpet and everything. Home Depot effing rocks. The wood was less than 2 bucks. Then I just cut up a mat. I'd like to install a fireplace next.


Rycrisp said...

As much as Simon love it? Haha, that shit's staying. "He love it LONG time!"

Rycrisp said...

Get a job? I think you meant GOOD JOB.
Plus my cats hate tea.

but not tea bags.

Anonymous said...

Here's another good one: "Think about, Slag."

Oh, and am I at all surprised at your relaxed definition of the word 'incest'? Does the pope shit in the woods?