Sunday, March 20, 2005

I convinced Jeff to come upstairs. He was having tough time in the garage. I think he caught something from one've the Euro bikes down there. So he wasn't starting. So I told him there was candy up in my apartment...I knew he couldn't say no. Before he knew it, I was all underneath him, messin' with his parts and taking pictures. He cried a little. Nothing a bit of Premium Unleaded couldn't take care of though. So yeah. I took off his mid-kickstand (he said that if I didn't do it, he'd go to Mexico and have it done for cheap). I guess he's always struggled with it. It was an extra part that he felt was keeping him from who he really was. Oh. And apparently I feed my cats radioactive waste. Look at those freakin' EYES!! JESUS!! I fed you since you were a kitten! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Posted by Hello

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