Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Wee Update.

Well, a few things have happened in the last week or so, huh? No? Really? Well, does a Swedish water filter find YOU attractive? I guess I have a way with the appliances. Oh, and I'm also pretty sure that pictures make things way better. Lots of things. So I'll keep posting pictures instead of huge manifestos. But that's probably a lie. It'll be both.
How was the weekend? Oh, pretty good. Relatively mellow. Chilled with True Pleasure and Maratini (patent pending) and some of their homey's K n' J. Played some poo' at a cool new joint called the Garage. It was a good enough time that we went back for seconds on Saturday...only to be shot down by a 45 minute wait. What is this, Star Wars? I'm not waiting in line!! So we rolled to Jillian's to play some pool. Arriving, we find some rock star parking and another 45 minute wait. So I challenged these dudes to a knife fight for their table. They said "No way dude. You'd totally kill us and take our cars an' weemin." They were very wise. And correct. So we put our name on the list and decided to play our old stand-by: Crazyass Basketball Moving Hoop Sore Arm Game. Fun stuff. Last time Josh and I were equals, setting a new personal record of 56. But True Pleasure was having nunna dat this time. He went Sixy fo', den Seveny Tree. Outta freakin' control. Hopefully congress never decides to investigate that game for steroids. Because if they call ME up to testify...dude Josh, you are SO screwed.
After trying EVERYTHING from charging his diva ass to buying a fancy digital battery recharger (that didn't do anything except shock my nipples), I FINALLY got Jeff running again. With a jumpstart. From the Montero. Did you know that batteries can explode? I think I heard that somewhere. So I wore gloves, safety glases and t-shirt just to be safe. I think I even squinted when I had to start him. VROOM! So I'm back in business now. Just in time for the railroad construction that Chris is so fond of hearing about. Speaking of Chris. Hopefully you're feelin' better tough guy. I think I might take a page from your book and take some cold medicine to get some sleep right now. There'll be more to follow aug der morgan!! Or evening. Whatever.


Kimberly said...

Note to creator: Britta needs more personality, stat!

Rycrisp said...

I'm a widdoo skayood. Seriously. I think we need to launch and investigation, because I smell something fishy. And it's not Chris. Or Kyle's kitchen. Or my breath. Or the litter box. Oh wait. Maybe it is the litter box. But I think it's also the Water Filter. Somebody is going through a lot of trouble. And I intend to get into their bottom..uhhh...the bottom of it!

Rycrisp said...

I knew it! I freakin' KNEW IT!! Now who might this young man be? A fellow thailor? Maybe. My brother? No. Not enough misspelled words.
Maralock Holmes, good job on getting some o' dose' details! How the crap did you get that produce deal? Where's that picture from? I don't know of any internet sites that the girls wear clothes.

Rycrisp said...

Oh wait. Mara? You totally just described my site. And me.

Rycrisp said...

Is there such a thing as a Swedish Massage? I thought I heard that somewhere. Maybe I could get one? No? Okay. That's cool...I meant a soda. Not the massage. Unless you were gonna give me one. A soda I mean.

Kimberly said...

I laughed so hard that I farted and had to leave the room from the stench.

I'm surprised that with the maturity level these boys profess, there hasn't been any "Got any Swedish in you? Would you like some?" type jokes.

And don't you just innately distrust a woman who doesn't appear to like other women? Speaking to the possibility that Britta is telling the truth, that is. Which still seems to be in question.

Rycrisp said...

Ahhhhh hahahahha! Insomnia anyone? I'll take two. Fanks!

Kimberly said...

P.S. Please note the inclusion of a photo, Miss Britta.

Rycrisp said...

Haha! Hey Josh, Mara's not your friend.

Rycrisp said...

I'm Britta! ME!! OKAY?!! Jeethus!! Everybody is thos THEERIOUS!! I just wanted people to like me! Make you think I had more people visiting my blog...sob...I hate myself...sob...

Rycrisp said...

I'm Britta! ME!! OKAY?!! Jeethus!! Everybody is thos THEERIOUS!! I just wanted people to like me! Make you think I had more people visiting my blog...sob...I hate myself...sob...

Rycrisp said...

Dude. This is like some Green Goblin shit right here. I don't remember typing that.