Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jake Plummer Award: Update

Just in case you forgot, Karl is required to grow a mustache. You can view his progress over at his "blog". He seems to have caught whatever Slag has, though. As his blog hasn't been updated in awhile. That's offensive to people such as myself that can't track his progress. What's the point if we can't all enjoy this?
Well, I'll tell you. I sent some of my spies down to the States to get a picture of Karl. His progress is actually quite stunning. Check it out...I wonder if it sucks to trim.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's the first time you've made dicks come OUT of your brother's nose...

Rycrisp said...

But, the results are the same. I put two weiners on Karl's face and he doesn't complain.

Anonymous said...

Shut your fat mouth Karl.