Monday, January 23, 2006

Superbowl Party

I just want everyone to know. You're invited. There'll be nachos, soda, candy and my AWESOME company. And Simon. Lot's of Simon for everyone. And a little bit of Owen...when he feels like it.
What a great day Sunday was. I'm still living it. I haven't's almost 6am, my wife is doing her morning work out. I'm drinking coffee. Not excercising. I will be soon, though. Basketball starts on Wednesday. I'm hoping the fact that I haven't played since my semi-pro days with Slag won't hurt me. I think the fact that I'm American gives me an edge though...right? USA USA! I mean, is there even ONE good Canadian basketball player? Heck no! Oh man. I'm gonna get my ass kicked on Wednesday. You know how some people can't sleep because of work? I don't get that. But I DO worry about missing lay ups and what little jump shot I had being left behind with my comic books. Whatever. The Seahawks are going to the Superbowl.
I was cheering like my fellow Americans. But I think my neighbors were trying to find the hockey game I was so excited aboot. Canadian Dad brought over a good luck shrimp ring and a new Seahawks pin...Ramblin' Rod style.
So you guys are all invited to the only Superbowl party in Alberta. The only one that counts at least. Bring my jumpshot, please.


Anonymous said...

I'll bring the music!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there, maybe even a few nights early!

Rycrisp said...

This is a SUPER Bowl party, Christian. Not a make out party.

Anonymous said...

Since when does 'lots' have an apostrophe?

Rycrisp said...

Since frog's (hahaha) became cool.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you remember SOMETHING from school.