Monday, August 21, 2006

It's So Easy! Happy Go Lucky!

Yatta! Yatta! Yatta!
I've found Karl's new favorite band. Do yourself a favor. Click this link. Go get something to drink. Now play the video. Just make sure you're not drinking anything while you watch it. You might ruin your keyboard. YATTA! YATTA! YATTA! Now excuse me, while I practice my Yatta! dance. I'm serious.
It's so EASY!!


Rycrisp said...

How can I be the worst friend ever? Huh? Especially when I post videos such as this?
I got on 2 minutes after you kids last night. Perfect timing, if you ask me.
(Josh is the angry one.)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm the one in the upper left who's trashed on Sake and getting ready to backhand donkey-punch (donkey back?) the guy in front of me, who, incidentally, looks like he's blowing Karl. Without the mouth sores.

Rycrisp said...

We need to re-create this. I'm serious.