Monday, December 12, 2005

Jake Plummer Award: Week 14

Whatchoo gonna do with those picks, those picks in that shirt? Gonna make you work, work, work work! Man. What a freakin' WEEK. If my math is right (ha!) Chris and I are now tied for second place. Which isn't really bad. It's still amnesty from the mustache. Karl is now almost a lock...which he has been since about week 5, to sport the cookie duster.
Now, if you don't mind, the elves are telling me to put down my Schlitz, because my break is over. Can I just finish this smoke? What? It's a Virgina Slim. What? No, it's not. No it's not! Who says they're girl's cigarettes?! You? Pffft, dude, you're wearing tights and shoes that curl up. Whatever. Okay. I'm going...Merry Christmas! Posted by Picasa


Rycrisp said...


Claire L. Fishback said...

This is one of the coolest vintage looking pictures I have ever seen!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"This is one of the coolest vintage looking pictures I have ever seen!!!!!!"

So, Claire, in addtion to the guy in the middle, you too are into child molestation?

What the Hell? Are you guys for real?

Claire L. Fishback said...

Fo' real, yo!

Child molestation isn't cool, but he looks more like he's squeezing a terd than molesting the children anyway. Pooping with kids on your lap... well, I guess that's pretty bad too.