Friday, December 30, 2005

What's in the boooxxxxxxx?

What's in this box? Some chickens...maybe some cocks?
Could it be a fresh pair of socks?
What's in the box? I don't know Kevin Spacey, maybe some burgers and a Sprite?
No, that's not right. Let me tear you box...cardboard doesn't put up much of a fight.
That wood grain, maybe the kind you'd see at church? I wouldn't know, just a guess that Jesus liked birch.
What could this possibly be?! Something that makes me giggle with glee!
A new coffee table?! One with four legs and a shelf?! The kind I put together all by myself!
With a wrench named Allen and a bag of screws, this shit's getting put together faster than a white girl gone missing being shown on the news!
What's in this box? A badass coffee table, oh, I see ya'.
What's in this box? Thanks IKEA! Posted by Picasa

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