Tuesday, November 01, 2005

First REAL snow!

So, apparently Wal-Mart is pushing their holiday agenda early this year. They've made it a priority to have their stores ready for the holidays on this first day of November. We went there today (slave labor ROCKS!) to pick up a few things.
Sure enough, the Christmas music was playing, decorations were out and all the Halloween leftovers were tucked in a shadowy corner. It was pretty Christmassy in there.
Then it snowed. A lot. Wal Mart scares me. Posted by Picasa


Rycrisp said...

I am not an amputee. I promise. Yet.

Randy Leonard said...

Where is your coat? Didn't your parents teach you how to dress for the cold?

Rycrisp said...

No...sob...they left for cigarettes one day...and never came back! From that day forward, EVERY Day was cold!

Rycrisp said...

Do soda and beer cans count as "job applications"? If so, yes. Yes I was.

Randy Leonard said...

That seems like an odd criticism coming from you....Mr. Women's Liberator.

Rycrisp said...

I think Karl was deaf/had a cold when he typed that: "beer cand" as in "I wand do weecycoo dees beeyoo cand".