Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Duck, duck...SICK!! Hopefully everyone had as rad of a Halloween as I did. If you made HALF the kids scream/cry that I did...well, that's still like 5 kids. The in laws had over a hundred trick or treaters. I'm effing serious. It was awesome. Posted by Picasa


Rycrisp said...

I know! But it still pales in comparison to my feather boa.

Rycrisp said...

Which is the opposite of Chris' business suits!
Chris (facing the office wall): So, Mrs. Smith, what is it that you need out of this divorce?
Mrs Smith (sobbing lightly): Oh, Mr. Alert, I just want my kids and for this all to go away.
Chris (turning in his chair, Basic Instict style,) Kids, you say?