Thursday, November 17, 2005

My Dad...If He Were a Mom

When I was a kid, I was terrible at school. This was an affliction that haunted my youth...from elementary school to High School. To the forty times I dropped out of "college". My parents were well aware of my faulty learning capabilities...thanks a lot report cards.
My dad would constantly remind me that if I didn't do well in school "You'll wind up like that guy." Who was 'that guy'? The dude filling up the gas tank (who ironically was probably workng to pay off college debts...or crack debts) was 'that guy'. Or any random bum sleeping in Pioneer Square. "I bet that guy didn't do his homework" my dad would quip. Usually I was too busy not doing my homework to hear what my dad said.
Maybe skipping school to go to Lloyd Center to hang with the gangstas. Or eat breffist over at Slag's house. Maybe get an Egg McMuffin and have a nap in the car. Even got a job at the attendence office...more irony! It sure helped cover my tracks! The attendence lady would be all like "Why weren't you in first period?" I look hurt "What? I was!" Then everything was cool. Or maybe I'd just put a little check mark there before it got to the attendence office. Remember those days Slag? Woo!
The point of all this is this story from the San Francisco Gate:"Mom Makes Daughter Stand on Street Corner"
No. The mom isn't some pimp. Read on:
"Tasha Henderson got tired of her 14-year-old daughter's poor grades, her chronic lateness to class and her talking back to her teachers, so she decided to teach the girl a lesson.
She made Coretha stand at a busy Oklahoma City intersection Nov. 4 with a cardboard sign that read: "I don't do my homework and I act up in school, so my parents are preparing me for my future. Will work for food..."

My dad would be proud.
The whole article is here.


Randy Leonard said...

First, if I were a woman, what Man would sleep with me?

Jesus, a 6 foot 1 inch 212 lb, bald female hunk of love begging to be impregnated so that I could raise my little love child in my garish image?


Can you imagine what you would have looked like with the man as your Dad that would team up with a woman who looked like me?

Finally, I would have never made you stand on a corner with a sign asking for food.

I would have been afraid you would have liked the attention too much.

Anonymous said...

I realize I'm about a week late to this one, but I've been really busy working at a gas station to pay off my college debt. Your argument reminds me of those people who don't wear seatbelts because they might drive off a bridge and drown. It would be interesting to conduct a study to see if the majority of people filling minimum wage jobs are college graduates struggling to pay off student loans.

Know your audience! And get a job!

Rycrisp said...

Your argument reminds me of an uncircumcised weiner. All weird and creepy...doesn't belong on a dvd! Ahem. Anyway, who are these people who don't wear seatbelts in case they go off a bridge? The same people who leave their crack pipes in Michael Irvin's car? I don't want to know them.
As far as the study goes, I'll go to McDonald's and ask the dude with the Degree in Economics to do it. He totally hates the manager...she thinks she's SO smart! But who does she ask to do her taxes? Exactly. Now shut up and give me my cheeseburgers.