Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Jake Plummer AwardS: Week 10

Soooo, instea...hold on...wow. Okay, I swear I had the sports highlights on, but all of a sudden the blind sister from Little House on the Prairie was yelling for a doctor...what the hell? Man, I actually used to watch that effin' show. Remember? And Nellie was such a bitch! And they always had candy n' stuff at that store her parents had? Oh man! Prairie ROCKED! Oh no! Now Pa is having his wagon held up...and he's got the medical supplies! GODDAMN BANDITS!

Ahem...anyway. This week was really close. I was getting ready to post a picture of Chris...when all of a sudden Pa got his ass kicked!....I mean, Donovan McNabb threw an interception with 2 minutes left. Ran back for a touchdown. I couldn't believe it. Then the Eagles put in some demon kid....whatever. That guy totally just stole the medical supplies! And my brother (Laura) and I wind up tying for last this week with 9-5 records. Not bad...and we both arrived at those with some pretty retarded picks. That worked out. Laura took Green Bay to win...and they did! I took the Vikings...unbelievable! But where'd that get us? A dead son, that's where! Goddamn bandits!


Rycrisp said...

Except the balance of white trash power! It's tipped. Karl smoking. Chris with the broke down car in his front yard and the couch on the back porch. PBR cans strewn about. Props!

Randy Leonard said...

Personally, I think the big guy is very hot. In fact, I am not gay, but if I was....Katie Bar The Door!

Rycrisp said...

Dad. That's creepin' me out dude. Please tell me you're not referring to the uppermost picture.

Randy Leonard said...

I think you should embrace diversity, not feel threatened by it.