Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Daily Show Predictions

So I'm installing some shelves that the wife and I bought this weekend. Got my drill and the eye of the tiger. I was rockin' out for awhile (I LOVE the new Hillary Duff album!) then took a break for lunch. I turned on CNN and the old FEMA Director Michael Brown is getting DESTROYED by Seanators. Holy crap. He and a republican Senator (some white guy with gray hair...oh...no help...sorry) were trading barbs. Then, for reasons I can't explain, the senator held his hands up (in a way one would use to describe a small fish...or weiner) and continued to grill Brown. Brown continued to blame everyone but himself, which might be one of the reasons he was canned. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the Daily Show tonight...the picture of the Senator making fun of Brown's weiner will be showing up. Please Buddha. Let it be.


Li'l Em said...

Please do not be serious about the Hilary Fluff album. Because I just added you to my posse. And there is no Hilary Fluff in the posse. For the love of GOD, no Hilary Fluff in the posse!

Rycrisp said...

Did I say Hillary Duff? Jesus, I'm an IDIOT! It was actually Gwen Stefani.

Li'l Em said...

Maybe you should just cut your losses and say Debbie Gibson, while you're at it.