Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Detroit...City of Anger

Thanks to football getting underway, my blog will reflect how I've become consumed. In one such way, I like to read newspapers from cities that have crappy teams. Seattle? Check. But Seattle writers have Mono Rails and latte taxes to distract them. Detroit? Apparently a basketball championship a year ago won't satiate their hunger for a winner.
They HATE Joey Harrington (an Oregon native). I know Amber Alert likes negative movie reviews. Well check what they're saying about the Lions after their blow out loss on Sunday. He's an excerpt from just ONE of the writers, Mitch Albom
"The next time the Lions want to know why their fans don't believe in them, they should take the tape from Sunday's first half and hit "play."
Which will be the first time that verb was used."

Holy cow. Regarding Joey Harrington's pass protection:
"... His offensive line made FEMA look effective.."
And how does he feel about wasting his Sunday watching the game? How should the Lions repay him?
"They should be forced to watch this waste of a Sunday until they're ready to vomit..."
This guy is just one writer. Go check out http://www.freep.com/index/lions.htm


Rycrisp said...

Kim...it looks like you're eating...something.

Rycrisp said...

Kim- You're eating a W...huh. I don't think it's the first time you've eaten two of something. SNAP!