Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Let There Be Peace on Earth...sort of.

Canada and Denmark have come to terms regarding Hans Island. Kinda.


Li'l Em said...

Hi there. I commented back to ya on my page but I don't think you saw it yet, so anyways...here's the answer to your question about how I raised the white lantern:

To do it via Blogger, upload your picture in a post. Cut and paste the HTML (get rid of all the extraneous code and just do [img src="http://foto"]) into whatever section in the second half of your template(the part that is more specific about what is included in the design) you want it to be. In this case, the header. Alternatively, you could just try pasting the img src into the "description" section in your settings options and see where that gets you.

The only other advice I could possibly give you is to wear pants. Always, always wear pants.


Rycrisp said...

Emily...you rock. THANKS! As far as that advice goes...it's too late for me.

Li'l Em said...

I just clicked "next blog" at the top of your page and got the following:

DUmpster Sluts & Free Porn

Yeah. It's how it sounds, too.

Rycrisp said...

Sounds like SOMEBODY hit the jack pot!!

Anonymous said...

Chris The Amber Alert, Must you speak profanely? Can you not communicate without resorting to base language?

We shall see. We shall see.

I will be watching.

The Watcher