Thursday, September 22, 2005

Postaholics Anonymous

Your anonymity is almost as important as your individuality. Take prank phone calls for instance. "What are you wearing?" "Is your fridge running?" "I know who likes you." "I'm going to kill you."
But you can't make them anymore. Not without people knowing it's you...thanks a lot *69 and caller ID. I hate you.
BAM! Now it's the future. You could post anonymous on my blog just a month ago. Then I got power hungry. I made everybody get an identity, that I logged and researched. I know what size your pants are...I needed this info to put my plans for...whatever, I was sick of the spam. Well, some of those cocksuckers have Blogger accounts that commen when I put up a new post. No mas. We're gonna kick it old school. Keep it real...with a twist. Blogger has word verification now. You know, the weird ass letters you have to read, then type when entering porn sites....I mean...getting your library card. So from here on, you can be whoever you want. Just don't be a pussy. Reeyow!


Anonymous said...

I am sitting outside your apartment right now. I can see two silhouettes. But I am only interested in one. I will wait until the other goes to work before I introduce myself to you. But wait. You will be sleeping. So you will awake with me next to you, breathing, excitedly, wantonly, earnestly, waiting, waiting for your reaction.

Will you be happy, mad or -worst of all- frightened. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Dad, when Ryan said kicking it old school that did not mean you have to treat us like you did when we where kids. What you just described brings back so many memories of being a kid.

Li'l Em said...

Yeah, this word verification shizzy is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, my comments are no longer getting butt-raped by spam bots. On the other hand, all those convicted axe murderers who read my page are now able to post anonymously. Very anonymously.

Looks like they found you, too.

Rycrisp said...

They didn't FIND me. I left a trail of Reese's Pieces right to my door! C'mon in y'all!

Randy Leonard said...


That is just so mean to be outed in such a public manner.

I am that transparent?

Oh, the shame of it all.

Randy Leonard said...


How could one of my own creation out me in such a publicly humiliating way?

Oh the shame of it all.