Tuesday, October 18, 2005

An Early Christmas List

In an effort to be cool through a blatant display of plageriarism, I'm posting my Google "needs" list. I smuggled it out of Mitchieville (who thieved it from Glamazon) between sweaty butt cheeks.
All I did was type my name (Ryan) followed by "needs" (with the quotations) into Google.
What follows is the top 10 things that I need. For Google has foretold it:
  1. Ryan needs your advice
  2. Ryan needs one more win
  3. Ryan needs your prayers
  4. Ryan needs a bra
  5. Ryan needs to be supervised because he can be physically agressive
  6. Ryan needs to be redeemed
  7. Ryan needs special care
  8. Ryan needs a break from walking
  9. Ryan needs to come back to the Bay Area.
  10. Ryan needs a bar mitzvah (why not?)

If you're bored, you can post yours in the comments. ZOMBIES!!!!


The Mayor said...

My *needs* are so lame compared to your needs. I'm not so much aiming for a bra as I'm aiming for what's INSIDE the bra.

Rycrisp said...

So I'm comfortable with who I am. NOW I HAVE TO HURT YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm WAY behind on this, but here goes:
Josh needs a new bicycle
Josh needs remedial spelling lessons pronto!
Josh needs a replacement tray so his daughter can dine in NEST style
Josh needs a metric ton of Shut the Fuck Up
Josh needs more radical treatment
Josh needs to work on breaking his man down without turning his hips out of square
Josh needs to get pumped up before a race
Josh needs support to learn how to express anger appropriately

Claire L. Fishback said...

Okay, so I'm WAY behind. I was reading this blog like the next Great American Novel and came across this. HOw awesome.

1. Claire needs private support
2. Claire needs a visit to the bunny planet
3. claire needs an assessment questionnaire.
4. claire needs you to join her team today.
5. Claire needs cash (ain't that the truth, electric bill rapes me each month, but I don't mind. Can't rape the willing).
6. Claire needs to shear all her sheep in a matter of days.
7. Claire needs blood transfusion (whoa... I swear I use protection all the time!)
8. Claire needs her own forum.
9. Claire needs a wider circle of friends.
10. Claire needs to be inspired and feel the model's personality.

So, those are mine. Pretty cool... I wonder what happens if you put in "wants?" I'm going to rip this off and put that on my blog.