Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Jake Plummer Award: Week (weak) 5

I don't know how to put this. The wheels not only came off this week. Everything exploded. And I deserved it. After breaking the unstated rule...because it was unstated, I picked against the Seahawks to win. That's right. I picked the Seahawks to lose. Not to just any team...the Rams. Because the rule was unstated, I ignored it. Because I didn't know it was there. Many angry e-mails, posts and telephone messages later ("The more I think about it, the angrier I get"-Chris on the voicemail)...I've come to regret my decision. Mostly because the Seahawks won.
It's at this point that I wish that I had Christian friends. That way, they could find it in their hearts to forgive me. Even if they were Christian, they don't have hearts. So I'm screwed. Sorry guys. I've learned my lesson.
I had the absolute WORST picks of the contest thus far. Even worse than Karl. EVEN WORSE THAN KARL. The only consolation is that I won my Fantasy game. And that I get to drown my sorrows in turkey sammiches. It was the Canadian Thanksgiving on Sunday. I don't know what exactly they're thankful for yet, but I'll find out. I think it's that they got rid of Celine Dion. Whatever. I'm gonna go pray to Dave Krieg for forgiveness.

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