Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Strait of Juan de Fecal

Brownmissles is my site's name (sic). That's where you are.
For a site that is named after post dinner activities, I've had a disturbing lack of said brown missiles. That's about to change.
A few months ago, a being known as Mr. Floatie made headlines in Victoria, B.C. He is a noble creature. His cause? To avert the practice of dumping (haha) raw sewage into the ocean. That's right. Victoria sends raw sewage into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I've been through there coming back from Alaska during one of my action packed CG adventures. It's beautiful. But deadly.
Mr. Floatie is now kicking his cause up a notch. He wants to wipe out the competition by running for Mayor of Victoria.
Only now, the other candidates are bringing Mr. Floatie to court. Why? Because they don't believe Mr. Floatie is real. They say the man in the costume has to put his real name on the ballot. Mr Floatie had this to say:

"Of course I'm not a real person, I'm a big piece of poop."

Mr. Floaties cause is called People Opposed to Outflow Pollution, or POOP.
The article detailing his Mayoral bid can be found here.
Mr. Floatie's web site is here. And it's awesome.


Rycrisp said...

Ahhh ahahahhahaha! What? I was just there. Being mesmerized by Senor Hasselhoff.

Anonymous said...

I just have one question... how does he take a dump with that costume on?

Rycrisp said...

I think little people come out when he dumps.